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As a CODA – Child of Deaf Adults – Ruby is the only hearing person in her deaf family. When the family’s fishing business is threatened, Ruby finds herself torn between pursuing her love of music and her fear of abandoning her parents. World premiered in the 2021 Sundance Film Festival’s U.S. Dramatic Competition section where it won the U.S. Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic, Audience Award: U.S. Dramatic, Directing Award: U.S. Dramatic, and Special Jury Prize for Ensemble Cast.

This film offers Audio Description. For in-person screenings, please submit an accommodation request to arrange for an audio description device at your screening time/location. This assists our Accessibility team with ensuring enough devices are available.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    111 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Siân Heder
  • Screenwriter
    Siân Heder
  • Producer
    Philippe Rousselete,Patrick Wachsberger,Fabrice Gianfermi,Jérôme Seydoux